My Favourite Fall Fashion Trends 2014 - Part 3
Hi everyone.In this final instalment on " My Favourite Fall Fashion Trends - Part 3", I am looking forward to trending these easy styles of outfits for Fall 2014.
6. Pleats

7.Leopard Prints
Ooh, for those who know me well, I am into animal prints and the thought of trending Leopard Prints in Fall kinda excites me again as I have been going more minimalistic and neutral in my outfit patterns ( mainly opting for more plain structured cut outfits in order to trend my statement Summer Necklaces).
So here are some easy to find Leopard items you could mix and match with to trend this look for Fall 2014. I did stay away from Leopard Print Dresses simply because this print is so loud in itself and best to be worn as an accessory or single item piece rather than as a whole outfit. Its such a fine line between establishing a classic look/trend or looking trashy if you know what I mean.
8. Knits
So, what is so different about wearing knits this Autumn/ Winter 2014 - 2015 as to previous years?
As most of us would do, we would often mix and match and pair our knits with Jeans, Midi skirts, Leather pants etc...This year, the trend is to be decked out in knits ( preferably) from Head to Toe.
Found these easy to wear knit items that you could put together to achieve the Top-to-Toe Knitwear trend for Fall/Winter.
9. Sock in Shoe
Decided to highlight a funkier trend one could play with this Fall 2014. Besides the athletic gear / sporty outfit looks, here's a cool one that would be quite fun to play around with.
Perfect for this in-between season and getting a longer wear out of your open toe heels and sandals.
Remember the main rules, either go bold and bright or neutral and classic / monochrome.
Another popular style trend that is a classic, season after season. Try mix and matching various sizes of stripes in an outfit or work with stripes in various colours to refresh this style.
Check out my styleboard to Style Stripes on Polyvore.
You may wish to click the ad link to Shopbob on this blog post, and view the latest Marc Jacobs Fall 2014 collection which I simply love!
Enjoy trending for Fall 2014 and do share with me your favourite Fall Fashion Trends you will be styling!
Simone xoxo
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